Pedestrian mundane perception of “langit” is depicted by interwoven cotton clouds in a monochrome gray or blue over the horizon. Some may argue that it is a superficial definition and may entwine with the second perception, “langit” is a state of happiness beyond sensory plane. But I dare to create a diatribe by laying down the third perception. “Langit” (for me) is the most powerful potent of hope transcending within us. It is something that ignites us to proceed from a primordial mess. Are you restless in a sinister situation? Why do we worry when things are appalling and inhumane? In effect, why do we risk our principle; give our effort and spend our time? Is it not the power potent of hope impelled us?
The morbid situation and social travails in all its sociological dimension- Economic, Political, Psychological and the like, offer a lot of conventional panaceas with the weak bravado and inane obscuring vision. Because of this inevitable weltschemerz, in any how, some Filipinos awry blame God of the effect of life’s intricacy of predicament. Cerebral questions are left unanswered such as, “Where is the hope promised by our government leaders? It sad even in the most intercourse of our private life some may be left in this quandary.
I dare again to say, Filipinos in nature, are optimistic. Not just we want to create a country better than what we have now, but by the prevailing facticity of our belief of “langit”. We want to blossom that internal dynamism within and transform it to an outward change. Let us take a look at the process. The situation is a bit mess- we want change- the concrete step comes from within- realizing the “langit” within us- and what’s on the next ladder? It’s ACTION, the fundamental aspect of change. Albert Einstein said, “The world is not dangerous because of those who do harm but because of those who look at it without doing anything”. Personal conviction for change takes precedence the social change. Succinctly, we should remember that social change should be anchored to personal action.
Let us not stop believing and hoping for a better country. Let us act on doing good to create “langit” within us and our community. “Langit” will wake us up. The only prerequisite to attain it is to be open to the different dynamisms within us. If love begets love, personal change begets personal change then, doing best begets doing best. Let us not create division through being indifferent for it will sequestrate what we hope for- a social change. Let us be inspired of the words of St. Therese of the Child Jesus, she said, “I will spend my heaven, doing good things here on earth”.