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Sitting on the Shoulders of Giants

In the history of knowledge since from the three Milesians in the name of Thales, Aniximenes, and Anaximander who stirred and left thought-provoking saga delving the cosmological study; it is consoling that their quest for the answer to the question of what constitute the world has obliquely produced genius thinkers.

As we look back to the different paradigms of knowledge from ancient times to the contemporary world, it manifested the love of man for the truth fraught with hammy display of different doctrines, laws, theories, opinions, and the like, that left a great impact on man’s present way of living and belief in God. Hence, great men have been dead long years past but their legacy lives in the great men in the making. Succinctly, we could say that knowledge is effervescent. It is indeed animated which creates myriads of opportunities for man to exercise his apt to rationalize. Knowledge is dynamic that it can be able to reach and build people from different perspectives. In a strict sense, we owe to our forefather and great men of history of who we are and what we believed in, in the sole reason that they have influenced our lives in its different facets.

God had touched their lives; it may or may not be in a smatter way, in order to encourage and convinced us that there is indeed a God. A God who is the source and the end of our quest for knowledge. Our belief then in God is a conglomeration of great thinkers’ idea; culture that we belong; personal experience of love from people, and the love of nature. So everything in us is a product of the intertwined of history and the passing time of the present. Gabriel Marcel remarkably underscored that man is a historical being.

Our belief in God is an initiative from God through these people. The challenge now is our response from this serendipitous gift. Our responses to this blessings of great men in history should be; to continue their legacy and that legacy is the belief that there is a God; to strive for excellence, in effect we may be able to leave a legacy that we pass on to our next generation. And I think our last response is to share their legacy to other people as they search for God especially those who are astray in order for all of us to be one in searching for God. So that in the end we may say that we are not anymore the ones sitting on the shoulders of the giants but we are one of the giants being seated upon. May we realize that there are “giants” within us.

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