The zenith of St. Thomas’ Five Ways of proofs for the existence of God and in his effort in parlaying it into fundamental knowledge buttress me in my personal search for meaning. In the course of my readings and witty reflection I would like to offer also “Five Ways Developing Healthy Relationship with God” this is just pattern on my personal interpretation of achieving the quest for intelligibility of God’s existence. St. Thomas begins his demonstration on the world of experience using his mental reflection leading to the finiteness. Such finiteness provokes openness to the transcendent in order to find the intelligibility of things. Hence, that intelligibility finds its rest on the source of all intelligibility and that is God.
“Five Ways”
First Way: Mental Reflection. This way, is my ordinary mind bewildered on the beauty of the world. My minds wants to look out who God behind this beauty of the world. This is done in an ample time of silent and prayerful reflection and meditation. Second way: Development of Character. Upon the realization of the beauty of everything in this way I should have developed and appreciate the beauty within me, even finite I am. It should help me to convert my inner beauty into a development of my character, which I should strive to develop my character because I am just human. Third way: Act of Surrender. This is equivalent to openness to the transcendence. It may be ironical when striving to developing one’s character yet the prerequisite is an act of surrender. But in this way, I should realize that only in the act of surrender to God that his plan will find its place. Letting God to work within me in order for me to strengthen my character and overcome my weaknesses. Attained through total act of abandonment. Fourth Way: Realizing the Unique Self. After developing my weaknesses through the act of surrender in this fourth way I should have realized God’s love and generosity. I am created in the love of God. I am with him yet remain unique from him. My relationship is in communion with him. Without oneness the relationship is vague. Pattern to the ultimate end the Fifth way: Fullest Realization of God’s Love is the last step towards developing healthy relationship with God. In this way, I should have had reached the meaning of this quest for happiness which should be God himself. This is attained by the realization of the relationship that is built on that communion with the Lord through constant act of love and prayer. That act of love is shared with others.